On-Site Lead Provider

Mirna has been an invaluable lead teacher-On-site provider of our team since 2008, bringing a wealth of experience and a heartwarming dedication to her role as an on-site provider. With a decade of service under her belt, Mirna has consistently demonstrated her commitment to delivering exceptional care and support to our clients. Her passion for what she does shines through in every interaction, making her an essential part of our team.

Mirna's extensive knowledge and warm, caring personality make her a trusted presence for those she serves. She goes above and beyond to ensure the well-being and satisfaction of our clients, making her an indispensable asset to our organization. We are grateful to have Mirna as a part of our team, and her continued dedication inspires us all.

Mirna lives and raised her two sons in Inwood. Don't forget to wave hello if you see her at the local Starbucks! 

Fun Fact: Mirna loves to drink expresso while walking to work!  

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